ERP/mid and back-office


Future-proofing the largest travel alliance in Denmark with modern travel technology

The story in short

Rejsepartnere was hit by the drawbacks of old technology and stand-alone systems. As a travel alliance, they share IT investments, marketing, and procurement to give their customers the best deals and great experiences. They opted for TravelOperations ERP/mid and back-office technology to build a solid foundation where every employee has access to all the information they need, and are able to work more efficiently with automated processes.

About Rejsepartnerne

Based in Denmark, Rejsepartnerne (in English called Travel Partners) is the largest alliance of travel agencies in the country and a dominant player in the Scandinavian travel market. Rejsepartnerne is made up of Mangaard Travel, Rejsechefen, and Top Rejser and offers both corporate and leisure travel services.

The challenge

Due to great growth in recent years and the hyper-digitalization of the travel industry in general, Rejsepartnerne started to experience the drawbacks of being supported by older systems. In particular, their programs were running too slow, and the features were very complicated. Their old system was simply too outdated to be efficient: their consultants couldn’t access nor deliver information at the right time, and data was spread out and separated into silos making it impossible to individualize their product catalog.

At a time when the competition is keen on using personalization and other digital weapons to widen its market share, Rejsepartnerne feared they would soon start to lose ground to competitors. It was crucial to find the right technology to not only enable them to work more efficiently and faster but would truly become an extension of the travel group’s vision.

The solution

By moving to the cloud with TravelOperations ERP/mid and back-office, Rejsepartnerne saw a potential to structure their processes better and get consistency across various channels.

Adopting an integrated system would help them react faster and in a smarter way to the needs of their clients while making valid decisions thanks to the reporting tools included in the new solution.

Their previous system was outdated, complicated, and slow. Rejsepartnerne opted for a solution with a user-friendly modern interface that would help them work faster – while still offering all the required functionality.

The impact

The overall operational efficiency of Rejsepartnerne has rapidly grown. The time travel agents spend searching for information has gone from 30% of their work hours to 10%.

Since travel agents can react faster than before and are able to spend more time with the customer, they can create unique value. Additionally, the time saved can be optimally used to generate more sales and grow the business in a sustainable way.

The knowledge and insights every travel agent gets from interactions with a client help the group improve their product portfolio steadily.

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